IT EN00:16:06September 2021Next generation EU: challenges and perspectives for future leadersPaolo GentiloniEuropean Commissioner for Economy
IT EN00:38:23September 2021The history of the future. How to anticipate change by looking at the pastNiall FergusonSenior Fellow; Senior Faculty Fellow, Stanford University; Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University
IT EN00:33:34September 2021The raging 2020s: how to rethink companies, countries, people for our futureAlec RossDistinguished Visiting Professor; Author, Bologna Business School
IT EN00:19:57September 2021The things we don’t (really) say to each otherFerruccio De BortoliChairman; Columnist, Longanesi
IT EN00:34:21September 2021The post-Covid economic outlook: an agenda for growth and shared prosperityJoseph E. StiglitzUniversity Professor; Chief Economist; Nobel Laureate for Economics, Columbia University; Roosevelt Institute
IT01:30:10July 2021Essere imprenditori, oggi, tra passato e futuro: incontro con Stefano CanaliStefano CanaliAmministratore Delegato, Gruppo Canali
IT00:19:18June 2021Quattro parole sulla Leadership: Fiducia. Intervento di Roberto ParazziniRoberto ParazziniChief Country Officer, Deutsche Bank Italia
IT00:14:15June 2021Quattro parole sulla Leadership: Missione. Intervento di Silvia CandianiSilvia CandianiAmministratore Delegato, Microsoft Italia
IT01:04:07May 2021Arte e management: "Raffaello Sanzio, lottare per raggiungere il successo"Stefano ZuffiStorico dell'arte; Direttore, Pinacoteca e Museo di Ancona
IT00:33:52March 2021L’Europa dopo la BrexitYanis VaroufakisProfessor of Economic Theory; Former Minister of Finance , University of Athens; Greece
IT00:36:53March 2021Prepararsi al futuro: cosa (non) abbiamo imparato dalla crisi da Covid-19?William A. HaseltineChairman; Chair and President, William A. Haseltine Foundation for Medical Sciences and the Arts; ACCESS Health International
IT EN00:54:17March 2021The Europe of the future: Italy’s challenges and the new generations’ roleMario MontiPresidente; ex Primo Ministro, Università Bocconi; Italia
IT EN00:48:59March 2021The forces that will shape humanity's destinyParag KhannaFounder & Managing Partner, FutureMap
IT00:48:44March 2021L’economia mondiale nel 2030Martin WolfAssociate Editor and Chief Economics Commentator, Financial Times
IT EN00:48:04March 2021The agenda for Europe: challenges and playersPierre MoscoviciPresident, French Court of Accounts
IT EN00:28:41March 2021The new Biden era and relations with Europe and ItalyLuigi ZingalesRobert C. McCormack Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
IT01:38:03March 2021Innovazione e tradizione: incontro con Diego Della ValleDiego Della VallePresidente e Amministratore Delegato, Gruppo Tod's
IT01:04:04February 2021Arte e management: "Leonardo da Vinci: dalla teoria alla pratica"Stefano ZuffiStorico dell'arte e autore
IT00:03:27February 2021Il modello di Leadership dell’Aeronautica MilitareGaetano FarinaComandante della Pattuglia Acrobatica Nazionale “Frecce Tricolori”
IT00:08:33February 2021Stress, team e performance: l’esperienza delle Frecce TricoloriGaetano FarinaComandante della Pattuglia Acrobatica Nazionale “Frecce Tricolori”
IT01:02:34February 2021Dal caos americano al calderone Mediterraneo: quali prospettive per il futuro?Lucio CaraccioloDirettore, Limes
IT01:32:13February 2021Innovazione e sostenibilità: un nuovo modo di fare business. Incontro con Nicolas BargiNicolas BargiFondatore e Amministratore Delegato, Save the Duck
IT EN01:03:51February 2021Sustainability as a lever of transformation: L’Oréal case studyAlexandra PaltChief Corporate Responsibility Officer, L'Oréal
IT01:03:25December 2020Biden batte Trump: tempesta sull'America. E per noi?Lucio CaraccioloDirettore, Limes