Breaking down the barriers to innovation
Breaking down the barriers to innovation

Scott D. Anthony
Paul Cobban
Rahul Nair
Natalie Painchaud

Added on 05/11/2020

The Hard Truth About Innovative Cultures
The Hard Truth About Innovative Cultures

Gary P. Pisano

Added on 05/11/2020

When innovation fails: cosa (non) fare per innovare in azienda
When innovation fails: cosa (non) fare per innovare in azienda

Enzo Carrone

Added on 05/11/2020

Disruption 2020: An Interview With Clayton M. Christensen
Disruption 2020: An Interview With Clayton M. Christensen

Clayton M. Christensen

Added on 05/11/2020

Nota informativa GINEVRA Uno sguardo al futuro: tra leadership e innovazione
Nota informativa GINEVRA Uno sguardo al futuro: tra leadership e innovazione

The European House - Ambrosetti

Added on 29/10/2020

Scheda di Adesione GINEVRA Uno sguardo al futuro: tra leadership e innovazione
Scheda di Adesione GINEVRA Uno sguardo al futuro: tra leadership e innovazione

The European House - Ambrosetti

Added on 29/10/2020

Nerio Alessandri: «Technogym investirà di più in questo momento complesso»
Nerio Alessandri: «Technogym investirà di più in questo momento complesso»

Monica D'Ascenzo

Added on 06/10/2020

Nerio Alessandri: «Ho iniziato dentro un garage. Regalai a Senna un attrezzo in cambio del logo sulla tuta»
Nerio Alessandri: «Ho iniziato dentro un garage. Regalai a Senna un attrezzo in cambio del logo sulla tuta»

Massimo Nava

Added on 06/10/2020

Asymmetric risks, asymmetric reaction: monetary policy in the pandemic
Asymmetric risks, asymmetric reaction: monetary policy in the pandemic

Fabio Panetta
European Central Bank

Added on 05/10/2020

Scenario Economia
Europe in crisis: The EuropeanRecovery Plan and the role of the ESM
Europe in crisis: The EuropeanRecovery Plan and the role of the ESM

Jean Pisani-Ferry

Added on 05/10/2020

Scenario Economia
La nuova Germania cambia l’Europa
La nuova Germania cambia l’Europa

Lucio Caracciolo

Added on 21/09/2020

Diversity and inclusion at the Coca-Cola Company
Diversity and inclusion at the Coca-Cola Company

Lori George Billingsley

Added on 16/09/2020

Risorse umane
How to Develop a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiative
How to Develop a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiative


Added on 16/09/2020

Risorse umane
Diversity & Inclusion: a case of targets, quotas or freewheeling?
Diversity & Inclusion: a case of targets, quotas or freewheeling?

Josefine Van Zanten
Alyson Meister

Added on 16/09/2020

Risorse umane
Are Your D&I Efforts Helping Employees Feel Like They Belong?
Are Your D&I Efforts Helping Employees Feel Like They Belong?

Michael Slepian

Added on 16/09/2020

Risorse umane
Economic Bulletin n.3/2020
Economic Bulletin n.3/2020

Banca D'Italia

Added on 05/09/2020

The Top Ten Scientific Discoveries of the Decade
The Top Ten Scientific Discoveries of the Decade

Jay Bennet

Added on 05/09/2020

Ricerca fondamentale (e molto di più …) al CERN e il ruolo della ricerca nella società odierna
Ricerca fondamentale (e molto di più …) al CERN e il ruolo della ricerca nella società odierna

Fabiola Gianotti

Added on 05/09/2020

7 Priorities to Help the Global Economy Recover. While building a Healthier, More Resilient, Net-Zero-Emissions Economy
7 Priorities to Help the Global Economy Recover. While building a Healthier, More Resilient, Net-Zero-Emissions Economy

Energy Transition Commission

Added on 05/09/2020

Will 2020's Election Be the End of Our Democracy
Will 2020's Election Be the End of Our Democracy

Thomas L. Friedman

Added on 05/09/2020

6 Ways a Crisis Can Help You Cultivate a Growth Mindset
6 Ways a Crisis Can Help You Cultivate a Growth Mindset

Susan J. Ashford
Maxim Sytch
Lindred L. Greer

Added on 05/09/2020

15 Essential Leadership Skills Everyone Should Develop To Better Handle Change
15 Essential Leadership Skills Everyone Should Develop To Better Handle Change

Forbes Coaches Council

Added on 05/09/2020

The Green New Era: reshaping industry for a sustainable future
The Green New Era: reshaping industry for a sustainable future

Adair Turner

Added on 05/09/2020

Preventing future health crises: most relevant scientific and technological developments of the last 12 months
Preventing future health crises: most relevant scientific and technological developments of the last 12 months

Mauro Ferrari

Added on 05/09/2020
